Credit reporting

We are committed to protecting all credit-related information we collect.

We collect, hold, use and disclose credit-related information to help provide our services to you and comply with Australian law.

Our approach to handling your credit-related information is detailed in our credit reporting policy.

You can:

Read more about how we handle your personal information in our privacy policy.

Why we collect information

We may collect, hold, use or disclose your credit-related personal information to:

  • check if you are eligible for our products and services
  • assess your suitability as a guarantor for a credit facility
  • provide you with credit products and services
  • collect overdue payments
  • help you with your queries or concerns, including hardship requests
  • comply with any legal or regulatory obligations imposed on us
  • provide information to credit reporting bodies as permitted by the credit reporting laws
  • deal with complaints and help other credit providers to do the same
  • perform our business functions.

Types of information we collect

We collect credit-related personal information that may include:

  • your identity, such as date of birth, gender, drivers licence number, current and most recent past addresses and employers
  • type, terms and maximum amount of credit provided to you
  • repayment history, overdue payments and default information
  • serious credit infringements, court proceedings or personal insolvency

We also collect credit eligibility information including credit scores, risk ratings, summaries and evaluations. This is supplied to us by a credit reporting body.

How we handle your information

We collect, handle and disclose your credit-related information in line with:


We may collect your credit-related information from:

  • you directly
  • credit reporting bodies or other credit providers
  • publicly-available sources (public registers, social media, published by third parties)
  • your accountant, solicitor or other personal representatives
  • your employer

Storage and security

We protect your credit-related information from loss or unauthorised access, use, modification or disclosure.

We store your information in a secure environment. This may be in paper form or electronically in controlled facilities.

Our employees and authorised agents also protect the confidentiality of information we collect.


We may disclose your information to credit reporting bodies. This may include providing information to another credit provider to help them assess your credit worthiness.

Each credit reporting body has a policy for managing your information. See the full policy for details on how to contact them to access their policy.

We may also share credit-related information with other third parties, including:

  • other credit providers
  • intermediaries including introducers, financial advisers, accountants, mortgage managers, or lawyers
  • current or prospective guarantors in relation to credit we are providing to you
  • organisations involved in debt assignment

We only share information with these parties when permitted by law.

Access your credit information

You can:

  • ask for access to credit-related information we hold about you
  • request updates to information that is incorrect or out of date

When we receive your request:

  • we will ask you to verify your identity before we give you access to your information
  • we may need to contact other entities to properly investigate your request

You may be able to access other documents under a Freedom of Information request.

Make a complaint

You can make a complaint to us in writing if you are unhappy with the way we have handled your credit-related information.

We are committed to reviewing all complaints. We will decide what action we need to take to resolve any issues you raise.

If you are unhappy with the way we handle your complaint, you may in some cases refer your complaint. This is made to either the:

Contact us

Contact our Privacy Officer if you have questions about our credit reporting policy:

Privacy Officer
Regional Investment Corporation
PO Box 653
Orange, NSW, 2800

Download our credit reporting policy